24 August 2010

Obsidian Garden WIP

I've been working on some things with a group of friends from The Kitchen for a little artist's story RPG we've been kicking around. This is my first environment ever and as such it is taking me quite a long time to complete it. Here are some progressive WIP shots so far from the sketch up to what I have now:

Original Sketch:


Current Progress:

Still a lot of learning to do with painting both traditional and digital, I'm far better practiced with my pencils. All advice is appreciated. The road ahead of me is long but I'm enjoying the ride.

Down and Out,
P e z Z

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I am currently finishing my first year at the Joe Kubert School in Dover, NJ. I am available for work/commissions - If you are interested in working with me, please do no hesitate to shoot me a message. Phone: (609) 439 8582 Email: pezzillo.brittany@gmail.com DeviantArt: http://dyspezzia.deviantart.com